The Blessed Life

The Blessed Life

Monday, March 4, 2013

Party Time

Today we had Lawson's follow up appointment at the ENT's office.  It is a little hard to believe it has already been two weeks since his surgery for ear tubes!  After a great hearing test and a quick look in his ears, our wonderful doc says all is well and we don't need to come back until it is time for a one YEAR checkup.

Lawson got sick right after his tubes so until this week it has been really hard to tell how much the tubes have helped.  His disposition has been much better during the day, but until I saw him at the hearing test today, I was really unsure if the tubes had helped at all.

Since he is feeling better, we started sleep training.  I prefer using the "Ferber" method of progressive waiting and it has worked like a charm.  I know that not many people like the CIO method, but with this at least you have a point at which you can go check on them.  And, for the record, there has not been one single time where Lawson has cried longer than 10 minutes or had to go past the second waiting time.  Last night he slept (without waking) from 8pm until 2:45am.  That is a miracle, people.  And, after 10 minutes of crying, he was back asleep until 6:45am.  Praise the Lord.  CIO works for this family.

In other news, tomorrow is his first haircut.

I am not exactly excited and have yet to decide how much hair will be cut from his head.  He is just so stinking cute (even with the curl that sweeps away from the side of his head).

I'll post an after pic for you soon (assuming the haircut takes


  1. Yay for the tubes working!! I'm struggling with what to do with Baby J at night right now. She likes to be cuddled to bed, but is waking up at 2am and then has a HARD time going back to sleep. We did CIO with our girls and it worked well, but I'm thinking it's too early to try that with her.

    Sigh. If only they came with a personalized manual :)

    1. wouldn't that be awesome!!!! good luck. it is not easy to be without sleep. hoping baby j starts sleeping better soon.
