The Blessed Life

The Blessed Life

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Update on 2013 Goals

I think it is important to look over my goals once in awhile to make sure I stay on track. Here's how I'm doing so far this year.

First, lose weight.

Well, I certainly have lost weight since January but right now I'm in a bit of a slump. I am running, have completed two 5k's and one 10k and plan to complete a 15k and a half marathon in the fall.  Whether or not I lose more weight, I am for sure healthier and in better shape than I was in January.  And 15lbs weight loss is nothing to be ashamed of!

Second, complete three days of school a week with the girls.

I didn't start off strong in this area but currently Isabelle and I are doing five days of school a week.  I realized that while Isabelle has a strong desire to learn, Molly does not.  Molly is about movement.  So, for now, the focus is on Isabelle.  Molly does some of the work with us like Bible and art and some science, but I am not forcing her to do anything at this point.

The next goal was a monthly character trait!

Hahaha!  I wish!  The fact of the matter is, we are working on about a million things each day.  The girls are always being taught about being obedient and sharing, and being kind and telling the truth.  Picking one a month seemed silly after a bit.  We have a weekly memory verse and that is about all I am going to commit to at this point.  Maybe it will be easier when they are older.

My goal to earn money to buy a camera is also laughable at this point.  If I earn money, it is not going to a camera!  It is going to bills, bills and more bills!  I am not complaining, but this year has been the year of medical bills for our family and we would like to get those suckers paid off.

My next goal was to learn to care more about what God thinks than what others think.

This is a work in progress at this point.  It honestly may be something that I have to work on for awhile.

Second to last goal was to read more.

I have for sure accomplished this goal!  I have read some pretty amazing books so far this year.  Among them, Kisses from Katie, The Hiding Place, and Evidence Not Seen.  All must reads in my opinion.  I have read some fiction also, but nothing mind blowing!  In total, I have read 13 books so far this year!

My last goal was to stop being so hard on myself.

I think that running is helping me a lot in this area.  Things I never thought I could do, like run 10 miles, I am doing.  Having some extra confidence is sure nice!  And while parenting is still the area where I am the hardest on myself, I am trying to give myself some grace when I feel like the worst mom ever.

So, there you go.  How are you doing on your goals?  Remember, that rereading and measuring your goals is one of the best ways to ensure they happen!

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