The Blessed Life

The Blessed Life

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pinterest Fun-Cloud Dough

I found this recipe for something called cloud dough on pinterest and thought it looked like a fun activity for the girls.

So this morning after breakfast I whipped up a batch and let the kids go wild.  Okay, not wild really, but I did let them have fun. 

Cloud dough is easy to make and provided a lot of fun for my kids.  Truthfully, they would have played for much longer, but their mom was beginning to break out into a full on sweat thinking about how big the mess was.  The recipe calls for 8 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil.  If I had given it any thought at all I wouldn't have made it.  After all, is there anything messier than flour and oil???  About 4 cups of it ended up on the floor.  Or, maybe if I had thought about it I would have taken it outside, but I didn't.  So, I cleaned up the mess and put a lid on the tupperware and said we could play again tomorrow.  If you have toddlers it is a fun little activity that your kiddos will love!

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