The Blessed Life

The Blessed Life

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Embrace the Camera

Last time I embraced the camera I was wearing no makeup.  I fixed that problem this time (I did forget lip gloss)!  However, what did happen was Isabelle making the same goofy face she has started making every time we try to take her picture.  Maybe next week I will get a picture where both the children and I look decent.  We'll see. 

If you would like to know more about 'embracing the camera' check out this blog.  I love her and her blog and am so glad I have started taking more pics WITH the girls.  Their scrapbooks are full of pages with pictures of them and them with their dad, but I am missing.  Hopefully now I will have more pictures with my girls!  If you do decide to participate, link up to Emily's site!  Have a great day!


  1. Thanks for your sweet comment!

    You gals are beautiful - with or without lip gloss. But I understand, I'm a capped stick addict!

  2. So cute! Embrace the camera is also helping me get in more photos with the kids!

  3. very sweet picture of you 2!

  4. what's wrong with the face? it's a cute face.
    just lovely.
